Instantiate Your IndieGoal Agents
I tread lightly when we start off with a description of the application freeradiantbunny because at each turn we pause to reflect upon the writings of the information system elders.
Nevertheless, at daybreak, we began our manuscript of the freeradiantbunny documentation by declaring with a wave of our mouse wands that there be a list of classes, virtual in all ways, but soon to be instantiated, inked and bound, re-conceptualized, regenerated, and sent to orbit the world.
Here in the calm compost pile part of the day, anti-solar, before the Sun, with quiet and light-colored blue-yellow-orange on the horizon, and here with our ancestor's memorial. So, please, consider the application freeradiantbunny only after a pleasant hour watching today's daybreak. You are the IndieGoal agent. You radiate waves of energy.
In college, I took a Philosophy class and my seat was next to the window. That spring, two days a week, I gazed across the street, I watched the dogwood bloom. The term papers that I wrote for Philosophy 202 are all lost or thrown out. However, those papers remind me of the small books, each a kind of prize or perhaps a little more like this coaching. It all seems so improbable now. Books!
I happen to still have the book. When I first read it I did not understand it, other than it appears to be a set of lecture notes written by students of a famous philosopher. I bring this up, to remind myself that documentation may travel in different forms, take different paths.
A discussion of the technical aspects of freeradiantbunny could bring forth multiple perspectives. Over here is a set of stories about freeradiantbunny, told to illustrate. Gather round, y'all, Systems Theory Thinkers Hour is arrived. tick tock tick tock Gongggnnnn!
Instantiate our objects with tenderness. Could we speak Energy Systems Language with simple motions of the hands. I am reminded that C. West Churchman wrote that one feature of the Singerian Inquiring System was that a knowledge was written (not just for the practitioners of a narrow discipline) but for everyone. Consider a person who is hearing or reading the word “permaculture” for the first time. Does our How To attract butterflies?