Gathering the Threads of a Trajectory
A Singerian Inquirer "sweeps-in" ideas. The following is a list of the ideas which I am adding to my inquiry into metaphysics. I sense that together each of these ideas is important. Perhaps these threads can be woven together to make a tapestry. Regardless, they are puzzles for the mind to grasp and for our bones to withstand.
1. My metaphysics: it is all a blooming flower. Bohm: "Undivided Wholeness in Flowing Movement", the process of becoming. My current model for the universe is that of a blooming flower, not just the thing but the thing in the motion of becoming what it is in this now.
2. The Now is all there is. We may only take action in this moment. Eckhart Tolle advises that one should not worry about the past and the future because because all we have is the now. Also, when it comes to time, remember that the Whole does not know time.
3. The structure of everything is enfolded. This means that there is an explicit and implicit. Furthermore, there is a hidden and more fundamental reality that structures both of these. PK Dick: the universe is a hologram. Using lasers, what is a hologram but a trick of the light. What is matter, but frozen light. Multiple perspectives may also be multidimensional. The Leibnizian Inquiring System is a model that could provide insight here.
4. The mind tends to think thoughts and these thoughts frequently divide, split, and fragment. The act of categorizing might be considered an activity of a Hegelian Inquiring System. The fractured (fragmented) nature of the thoughts tends to be reflected in the fractured nature of a person's situation (environment). Ram Dass states the whole personality is a fiction. Krishnimurti asks that each human query this image in our thoughts called Me. What the mind creates is a fiction because the whole is not divided. (This one is hard because I have not read much Psychology; although the William James biography might help with this.)
5. Meditation is a way of training the mind to step aside. Ironically, mediation is something that must be done without an expenditure of effort. No one can teach you how to meditate. The state already exists; letting the bulldozer mind move aside and diminish in impact. Also, ethics is important because you should be without conflict. In the Ken Wilber book, he talks of a master who said that the thing to do is to say "I am listening!" I hear the planets whooshing.
6. There is a vast energy that is all things. The Tao. It is nameless and defies description. (Which is why it is ironic to try to write about it.) Light is important on this topic. Quantum Field Theory. Zero Point Field. The dark matter and dark energy scientific explorations.
7. Back to understanding the structure of universe. One important reoccurring structure is the holarchy (see Ken Wilbur's book) that shows the levels, or aspects. A holon is both a part and a whole (Koestler). Things are different at different scales. Relate to Dave Jacke's permaculture paper with model with Cosmology at the center. The structure is like a fractal, and what is a fractal but a non-linear equation.
8. One point of evidence supporting the truth of some of this is that Western Science with quantum physics matches up with Eastern Philosophy, especially perhaps mysticism. See Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra.
9. Quantum Physics suggests wholeness because the instrument needs to be taken into consideration. See the double slit experiment. Ties into the question: who makes the decision that collapses the wave function? Consciousness. This bolsters the idea that we have a crucial importance in that we are observers, connected to the observed, yet nevertheless exercising our point-of-view. This is most likely where the works in the Prosperity Bible fit into the puzzle.
10. Gathering knowledge is an incremental but never-ending task. The Singerian Inquiring System recognizes knowledge, not only by "sweeping-in" measurement systems, but also by Singer's philosophy that includes a never-ending, incremental truth gathering process, one that scaled to the level of society. See Edgar A. Singer, Jr.
11. How is it that the problem is the solution? (See Mollison.) Perhaps because we face "wicked problems" that are so messy that merely defining the problem is part of the problem. (Rittel and Webber.) Not only is the problem the solution, but the problem is also the problem. Furthermore, once tentatively defined, our assumptions influence where we seek answers to our questions and where we seek answers influences the data we obtain which consequently influences our conclusions about possible solutions. The Kantian Inquiring System is the modelmaker. Kant would say that our minds see patterns because it is a pattern-seeing entity. Our perspective (world view) is reflected in our conception of the problems and the solutions. Systemantics (Galt) includes the idea that we can choose our problems. Solutionography is the mapping of solutions to the problem of problemography.
12. The Lockean Inquiring System is the empirical model. A fact net is built of facts supporting each other. The warning is that if a model is built with a false fact, the entire fact et is at risk of shattering. The Shift (as in, a shift in perspective) is (A) a social event that reflects the long-standing battle between opposing camps of Savers and Debtors [not Rich and Poor!] and (B) an individual event that reflects people's poor choice of using a single unit of accounting (dollar) for both trade and wealth-preservation. See FOFOA. Ask yourself: how is it that you work decades to earn $100,000 and someone at a bank can create that amount by merely typing at a keyboard a simple accounting entry? Ask: what is wealth?
13. The Prosperity Bible is a collected set of writings from the Success literature from the late 19th century and early 20th century. The topic was called "New Thought" during its time. Good descriptions of these ideas are found in Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. In general, these writings argue that the mind can be used to interact with the Whole and influence circumstances. You change your outside by changing your inside. In the movie The Secret, it is spelled out: thoughts are things. A person may set intentions and manifest things. Evidence to this is that everything starts out as an idea. Important: one's intentions must be pure of heart! Also, much of this is about the conscious mind training the subconscious mind, which is perhaps why faith and perseverance come into play.
14. There is a great irony in pursuing happiness: when we serve others, our own needs are ultimately satisfied. Our purpose, generally speaking, is to serve others. See Ram Dass. See Edgar A. Singer, Jr. Read the words attributed to Jesus.
15. It is vital that we connect with nature. For the person smothered in modernity, even simple interactions with nature, like growing a plant from a seed or taking a walk in the woods, benefit.